Kismet data

Each kismet node has raw data exposed on BaseSequenceItem.rawData.

ObjInstanceVersionThe version of the node
ObjectArchetypeThe archetype of the kismet node. Is equal to {Class}'{Package}_Default__{Class}'
ObjPosXThe relative x location from the point of pasting
ObjPosYThe relative y location from the point of pasting

Draw dimensions

When copying a node you will see the DrawHeight or DrawWidth properties on the node. This will be the size that the kismet window will draw the node. If no dimensions are given, they will be added when the node is added to the sequence.


Each node has connections defined in the defaultproperties in the UnrealScript class.

"Modified default properties"

As you can see in the image above, you can change the class if the class is not complete. However, adding custom connections will not work unless the Activated function will trigger that link.

Some useful properties on a connection are:

KeyDescriptionOnly on variable connections?
LinkDescThe name of the linkno
ActivateDelayA delay when this output connection is activatedno
DrawY / DrawXThe X/Y position for drawing the connection. -- @Jamesno / yes
bWriteableWhether the connection is output (triangle shape)yes
bHiddenWhether to hide the connectionno
MaxVarsThe amount of variables that can be connected (default 255)yes

Duplicate keys

If a node has duplicate keys, kismet will only use the first key.

Begin Object Class=SeqAct_DrawText Name=SeqAct_DrawText_0
End Object

So for the SeqAct_DrawText_0 node, DisplayTimeSeconds will be set to 2.000000.


As in the example above, each node has a name in the form of {Class}_\d+. The last number is a counter which will be increased every time a node of that specific class is added to the sequence. If a node is deleted that number will not be occupied again.