

To get started with coding kismet, install the package(s) you will need for your purpose:

PackageDescriptionExample implementations
coreBase classes for projects, nodes, etc.Create a custom wrapper, custom nodes
itemsUDK and Rocket League kismet itemsPopulate sequences with items to be copied into UDK
parsersCreate sequences from textCreate a node item from a class name
parsers-nodeParsers for creating item definitionsCreate @kismet.ts/items from .upk files
sharedMiscellaneous kismet utilitiesDestructure a default property
utilMiscellaneous utilities for Node.jsWrite sequences to a clipboard

The most common packages are core and items from this list. Furthermore, kismet.ts, installed without a scope, reexports all the packages listed above.



  1. Create a new project
mkdir kismet-code
cd kismet-code

git init
npm init
  1. After choosing the packages install them:
npm install @kismet.ts/{package}

Or if you will likely need all packages listed above:

npm install kismet.ts
  1. Create some sequences. For more details check out the templateopen in new window or some of the examples in the package(s) you installed.